Goddess of water is the new way to drink water in a brick!

100% pure



The water in brick
I am the Goddes of Water and I want to tell you how together we can change the world.
Many years ago, the ancient Mayan civilization discovered that nature and each of its elements are not something mechanical and, therefore, must be protected.
At the time, the Mayans entrusted Chaac, the god of rain and lightning, with the care and protection of water so that it would always remain pure.
They understood that water is a symbol of life, a gift thar comes to Earth directly from heaven to fill us with balance and well-being.
Now I also join his purpose and share with the world my great mission: to keep Chaac’s legacy alive and continue to preserve the water so that it retains all its purity and can continue to provide us with the maximum benefit.
I promise to take care of the planet. Do you want to help me?
Together we will make a more sustainable, conscius and supportive world possible.
Because the Goddess of Water we are all those people who with our small gestures contribute to making the world a kinder place.
Together we protect water and land.
Discover the Goddess of Water,
and sign up for the new way of drinking!
Goddess of water is the new way to drink water in a brick !

A new proposal for premium water, osmosis with essential minerals and 100% free of impurities
Thanks to its innovative three-phase filtering system, we can offer you water of the highest purity and quality , balanced and with very low mineralization, ideal for low-sodium diets.

And we present it to you in Tetra Prisma® Aseptic packaging
A comfortable cardboard container that protects the water from any external natural element, guaranteeing its purity and keeping it fresh for longer. The recyclable brick of the Goddess of Water is made with more than 70% renewable raw materials, in this way we reduce the use of plastics on the planet.

Enjoy our home service
In addition, to make it much easier for you to drink at any time and place, we serve you your water at home, so that you can easily hydrate wherever you want!
But the Goddess of Water
is much more…
It is the perfect option for you, who have decided to commit to your balance and that of the environment and who choose a different way of drinking bricked water, much more sustainable, conscious and balanced.
Goddess of Water is the brick water with which you will take care of yourself and the planet .
My compromise
Did you know that the Goddess of Water brick water design symbolizes my firm commitment to the protection of water and earth?
To carry out my mission on Earth I have chosen a very special suit that symbolizes my firm commitment to the protection of water and land.

Mi larga cabellera de colores se proyecta hacia el cielo, adornado por la luna y las estrellas, porque como diosa pertenezco al Universo, el lugar desde el que rijo la protección de la Tierra.
En el packaging de mi agua en brick aparezco con las manos extendidas y sobre ellas sostengo la lluvia y un rayo, dos elementos que me conectan con la fuerza del agua, siempre en constante movimiento. Un reflejo del poder creador que poseo como diosa y que ahora hago extensible a tod@s las personas que, como yo, también han decidido proteger el planeta.
¿Has visto los colores que he escogido para mi melena? El verde sella mi compromiso con la naturaleza y es símbolo de esperanza, El amarillo es el color del optimismo, porque sé que junt@s lograremos un mundo mejor. Y el azul representa la calma y la salud, para nosotr@s y para el planeta.
Mis pies, descalzos sobre la tierra, crean un fuerte vínculo con ella. Una tierra bañada de gotas de colores que son una representación de la vida que debemos preservar.
Y por supuesto, todo el diseño recibe la inspiración de Chaac, el dios de la lluvia y el rayo encargado de proteger el agua según la cultura maya. En su honor, visto una túnica adornada con detalles y colores típicos de las prendas mexicanas y en mi pelo se posan dos plumas como tocado.
I have come to remind you that nature is a source of life and that together we can protect the water and the land to enjoy all its purity.